I’m straying a little outside the store on this one into Morgan's territory, but its still retail related...
So I was on smartsource.com checking out who is utilizing the world of online coupons and ran across something interesting. Instant self-reported segmentation.
Instead of the usual "click here" for your coupon, you "clicked here" to reveal your savings, after answering 2 questions.
So I clicked. I was presented with a frequency of purchase question as well as a usage question.
As I have never bought Greased Lightning before I answered never for purchase frequency and Kitchen for my “toughest cleaning area”.

And POOF, much to my delight, my coupon value was upgraded from 55 cents to $1.25 off.

In a world where not every product needs or gets a big promo site with drives for registration, this is a great approach to be smarter about coupon distribution.
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